Getting Started with AlgoStack SSR


  • Node.js and npm installed.
  • Basic understanding of React and Next.js.

Step 1: Clone the Repository

Use the following command to clone the AlgoStack repository:

git clone

Step 2: Install Dependencies

cd algostack-ssr
npm install

Step 3: Run the Application

npm run dev

Adding New Views

To integrate new views like GettingStartedView into your application:

  1. Ensure your component is structured appropriately as a view. For this example, we're using GettingStartedView placed in the algostack-app/views directory.
  2. Import the view in your main page.tsx file for "getting-started" in the app directory, similar to other pages:
  3. import GettingStartedView from "@/algostack-app/views/getting-started-view";
  4. Adding a new page in the app router works by nesting under a common layout component. Define a shared layout that suits your application's structure. For example:
  5. import { ClientProvider } from "./providers";
    import { inter, unbounded } from "@/dashboard/styles/fonts";
    import { cn, constructMetadata } from "@/dashboard/lib/utils";
    import { headers } from "next/headers";
    import React from "react";
    import ServerProvider from "./server-provider";
    import type { Viewport } from "next";
    export const metadata = constructMetadata();
    export const viewport: Viewport = {
      initialScale: 1,
      width: "device-width",
    export default function RootLayout({
    }: {
      children: React.ReactNode | any;
    }) {
      return (
            className={`${unbounded.variable} ${inter.className}`}
            <body >

By following these steps, you integrate the GettingStartedView into your application's routing, making it accessible to users via the defined path.

Adding Components and Utilities

Create new files in the algostack-app/components or algostack-app/lib directories to add reusable components or utility functions.

Explore and build your application with AlgoStack SSR, leveraging Next.js and Tailwind CSS.